Estudio eliminación tatuajes a medida Miki Tattoo Killer. acelerar la eliminación del tatuaje

Tips to speed up tattoo removal

In this post we will advise you to speed up laser tattoo removal with fewer sessions and have a more effective and brief treatment.

The speed of elimination of the ink mainly depends on the immune system and metabolism of our body and, therefore, the better and more active our system is, the faster we will expel the ink and we will need less sessions for it.

Undoubtedly there is a genetic factor but the truth is that we can considerably improve the functioning of our system with proper habits and obtain incredible results.

Here’s how you can help your body remove tattoo pigments faster after your laser removal session, saving time and money on your treatment.


Smoking is one of the factors that can lengthen your elimination process the most. According to studies carried out, tobacco can reduce the effect of treatment by 50-70%. Requiring, therefore, more sessions and time.

It must also be taken into account that in addition to time, it can influence the quality and speed of healing. Another compelling reason to abandon this habit.


Playing sports will make our laser removal sessions even more effective.

You will wonder how sport will help you remove the tattoo faster. Exercising constantly offers us multiple benefits:

Improvement of metabolism and circulation: Activates our metabolism, improves peripheral circulation helping, increases oxygen in the blood that helps transport nutrients to our organs and expel waste and toxins from the body, in less time.

Ink removal via sweat: One of the main routes of removal of laser fragmented ink is through sweat. Performing active exercise that activates sweating is a very effective way to expel ink in less time.

Strengthens the immune system: sport strengthens our immune system, which is responsible for eliminating ink from the body.

Improves healing: the benefits of tissue oxygenation are also reflected in the improvement of the skin and healing.

Of course, let’s remember that intense exercise should not be carried out just the first days after the laser removal sessions, to avoid irritating the area, swelling, infection, rubbing and softening the scab that may come out, because being soft it could easily skip and leave us an unwanted mark.

What we can do during the first days is moderate activity, for example walking, etc. being able to return to our routine once the treated area is more recovered.


Water is the vehicle that transports body waste and ink particles, which are expelled through urine and sweat.

Therefore, ingesting sufficient amounts of water, herbal teas and/or purifying vegetable broths increases the draining effect and helps to eliminate the defragmented ink from the body, reducing the time and number of sessions. In addition, staying hydrated helps to have healthy, elastic and resistant skin. Ensuring a faster recovery after the sessions.

The recommended daily amount would be about 8 glasses.

Alcohol, on the other hand, is not advisable as it interferes in this process, reducing the cleansing effect, drying out the skin and weakening our immune system.


A diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps to strengthen the immune system and proper healing of the skin will help speed up the removal of the tattoo.

Foods or supplements rich in vitamins and minerals are especially interesting: C, B, E and Zinc.

It is advisable to avoid heavy foods with excess fat, which retain liquids, overload and slow down our system as it dedicates more resources to processing digestion, instead of helping to keep our system/body clean of toxins and in its most efficient state. optimal.


It helps to keep our immune system in perfect condition, which in turn will help us eliminate ink in less time.

During hours of sleep the body’s repair and regeneration processes take place and it keeps our immune system in its optimal state. That will help us remove the ink in less time and improve the healing process of the skin.

Lack of sleep and rest can cause cortisol to rise, the stress hormone, and weaken our immune system. Producing a slower and ineffective response at the time of elimination treatment as well as producing a greater risk of infection in general.

Important, to obtain the maximum benefit from this repair, is to avoid heavy meals before going to sleep, as the body will dedicate resources to digestion and to a lesser extent to repair.


It speeds up the process of eliminating toxins from our body, making you expel the ink more quickly. In addition, being a very pleasant process.

Maximize the results of laser tattoo removal sessions with these simple tips.

If you are interested in removing a tattoo with a laser: discover our services on our website and/or ask your questions on WhatsApp/phone: 633 28 19 84

Something that has always defined our line of work has been our relationship with you. We like people and thanks to that we have had memorable experiences with clients and colleagues, many of whom we already consider friends.

This is why we hope to have the opportunity to meet you, hear your stories, share pleasant moments, and accompany you in this process so that you leave with the greatest smile of satisfaction and show off your clean skin.

We are waiting for you!

