
Frequent questions

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions that may arise before or after removing a tattoo. If your question does not have an answer, do not hesitate to contact with us and we will solve it. 


YES you can completely remove a tattoo from almost any area of the body. At MikiTattooKiller we have the best technology, Ink Hunter Master Pro by Laser Light, with which we are able to remove all kinds of tattoos, regardless of color, size or area of the body on which it is located.

When removing a tattoo we will have to analyze the tattoo and the skin to find out how deep the ink is and if it is adequate. The result will be different depending on the area, the skin and the tattoo. In our first contact we will analyze your tattoo to do a tailored treatment that gives us the best result.

The main factors that influence the removal of a tattoo are color, ink, area of the body, skin and size:

  • Color: Color tattoos are more complex than black ones because we will have to adapt the light wave to the needs of each color.
  • Body area: There are areas where we will have to perform a greater number of sessions (neckline, wrist, head and neck).
  • Skin: Light skin types tend to respond better to the effects of the laser and require fewer sessions.
  • Size: Larger tattoos will require longer sessions.

Laser tattoo removal is not painful and does not burn, but it can be uncomfortable, it will always depend on the person as each individual feels it with different intensities.

The treatment does not leave any signs but it can lead to reddening of the skin as well as inflammation of the area where the tattoo was, which usually disappears in a few days. It is important to emphasize, although it does not usually happen, that there is a risk of a permanent stain being left on the skin.

The number of sessions depends on various factors (colors used, the area, the age of the tattoo, skin, etc.). In general, between 5 and 10 sessions are needed to remove the tattoo.

Before carrying out the treatment at MikiTattooKiller we will carefully analyze your tattoo and advise you on the number of sessions and the risks it may entail.

Between sessions you have to let 4 to 6 weeks pass. During this time the body absorbs the ink particles and eliminates them through the lymphatic system.
If what I want is to remove a newly made tattoo, we recommend waiting a minimum of 3 months before starting a treatment to remove the tattoo. With the treatment already started, the wait between sessions will be the one mentioned above.

Once the treatment to remove tattoos is finished, we can get tattooed again without problems. We recommend waiting a minimum of 9 weeks before tattooing the same area of skin again so that it can completely regenerate and above all inform the tattoo artist to evaluate our skin before proceeding.

At Miki Tattoo Killer we use Ink Hunter Master and Ink Hunter Master Pro technology from Laser Light in all our laser services, it is currently considered the best equipment and the one with the greatest recognition in the removal of tattoos and skin spots.

Laser Light Ink Hunter Master Pro

The tattoo ink is removed through laser energy that focuses on the points of the skin where there is pigment and after having chosen a suitable power and filters, it is projected onto the skin. The pigments absorb the energy and explode, breaking the capsule where the ink is located. The remains of pigments that have become free again in the body will be eliminated by the lymphatic system. This laser does NOT burn, it emits a beam of light at a high speed (5-8 nano seconds), so there is no time for the skin to absorb enough energy to burn.

It is important to follow the care tips that we give you before and after performing a treatment to minimize the risks and side effects:

Possible side effects:
The area where the treatment has been performed can become darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter (hypopigmentation).
After each session, blisters, swelling, itching, bleeding points or redness of the skin may appear.
Pain or itching in the area where the laser treatment has been performed.
Allergic reaction because the procedure consists of “fragmenting an ink that will be running through the body and in the area.”

If for any reason you have any side effect, it is important that you notify me so that I can guide you in the treatment to follow. The possible consequences of not respecting this care are serious: we can suffer from infections to scars as well as permanent changes to our skin.

Before starting treatment it is important that:

You have not sunbathed (or UVA rays) during the 15 days prior to the treatment to avoid spots on the skin.
Not being pregnant or lactating due to the intake of antibiotics in case of infection.
Keep the area very clean and free of creams, lotions, cologne or makeup.

After treatment it is important that:

Clean the area daily with neutral soap.
Apply the recommended cream for proper healing.

Eliminación de Manchas

Laser treatment is perfect for removing dark spots, sun spots, moles, and cosmetic micropigmentation.

Our treatments are safe and do not damage the tissues, for this reason it has a good recovery and offers us great results.

To remove spots with a laser, we will proceed to apply a very intense but short shot of radiation so that it hits the skin and causes the sachets that contain the pigment (melanosomes) to rupture.

The removal of stains by laser is not painful and does not burn, but it can be uncomfortable, it will always depend on the person since each individual feels it with different intensities.

The treatment leaves no signs but it can produce reddening of the skin as well as inflammation of the area where the tattoo was, which usually disappears in a few days. It is important to emphasize, although it does not usually happen, that there is a risk of leaving a permanent stain on the skin.

Normally, one or two sessions of about ten minutes are required to eliminate a pigmented lesion and the spots disappear leaving the skin intact and with an even tone. This technique is characterized by being painless and does not leave scars or marks of any kind.

The number of sessions depends on the type of stain and skin. In general, between 1 and 3 sessions are needed.

Before carrying out the treatment at MikiTattooKiller we will carefully analyze your tattoo and advise you on the number of sessions and the risks it may entail.

Eliminación Microblading

YES, microblanding or micropigmentation can be completely removed. At MikiTattooKiller we have the best technology, Laser Light Ink Hunter Master Pro, with which we are able to remove all kinds of permanent makeup.

The number of sessions depends on various factors (colors used, age of the tattoo, skin, etc.). In general, between 4 and 8 sessions are needed to completely eliminate it.

Before carrying out the treatment at MikiTattooKiller we will carefully analyze your tattoo and advise you on the number of sessions and the risks it may entail.

It is important to follow the care tips that we give you before and after performing a treatment to minimize the risks and side effects:

Possible side effects:
The area where the treatment has been performed can become darker (hyperpigmentation) or lighter (hypopigmentation).
After each session, blisters, swelling, itching, bleeding points or redness of the skin may appear.
Pain or itching in the area where the laser treatment has been performed.
Allergic reaction because the procedure consists of “fragmenting an ink that will be running through the body and in the area.”

If for any reason you have any side effect, it is important that you notify me so that I can guide you in the treatment to follow. The possible consequences of not respecting this care are serious: we can suffer from infections to scars as well as permanent changes to our skin.

It is important that we wait a reasonable time for the skin to heal before performing a new session. Between sessions you have to let 4 to 6 weeks pass. During this time the body absorbs the ink particles and eliminates them through the lymphatic system.
If what I want is to remove a newly made tattoo, we recommend waiting a minimum of 3 months before starting a treatment to remove the tattoo. With the treatment already started, the wait between sessions will be the one mentioned above.